Government Affairs

LIBOR’s Government Affairs department protects REALTOR® interests at the local, state and federal levels of government. Our staff works to promote pro-REALTOR® legislation and to defeat legislation that would adversely affect you and the real estate industry. Read More

Register to Vote

Are you registered to vote? If not - you are doing a disservice to our industry! Investing in RPAC is important - but our power to vote is just as critical. Register today by the New York State Board of Elections website. It's fast and easy!

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Town Codes

Click Here


Learn more about RPAC and how it affects you.

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Find your Legislator

Here is listing of all the elected officials in Nassau, Suffolk & Queens.

Find My Legislator

Do Not Call Registry

For information about Do Not Call Registry please go to the button below:

Do Not Call Registry Information

For a list of names on the Do Not Call Registry, please go to the button below:

Do Not Call Registry

The FTC recommends checking the Registry at least once a month for updates.

Cease & Desist List

To access the Cease & Desist List and Maps –
please visit the Dept of State website .

The website also contains FAQs and other information related to cease and desist zones.