February 2017 MLSLI.com Website Statistics Now Available

Mar 08, 2017

Web statistics are a great way to track activity to your website.  They allow you to see how many people are looking at your site, what pages they are visiting most often, how long they are staying on your site during their session, and they can find out where your visitors are coming from.  MLSLI.com web stats are reported on a monthly basis.  Keep in mind however, that web metrics can vary depending on the data source.

QUICK FACTS – February 2017

  • Monthly Visitor Sessions:  755,384
  • Total Monthly Page Views:  9,664,975
  • Average # of Page Views per Session –  12.79 pages
  • Average Session Duration:  7 m 12 sec

Top 5 Channels of Referring Traffic to MLSLI.com:

  1. Organic Search – Represents 60.5% of monthly traffic

  2. Direct Traffic – 23.9%

  3. Paid Search – 8.1%

  4. Referrals from other websites – 4%

  5. Social Media – 3.5%

Chinese, Spanish, and Korean are the most common non-English “Find a Home” searches on MLSLI.com.

Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.

To view February’s MLSLI.com website statistics click here.

Media Contact: Christina DeFalco-Romano Email