Now Accepting Applications for the YPN 20 Under 40 Rising Stars in Real Estate Awards

Apr 25, 2017

The Long Island Board of REALTORS® (LIBOR) Young Professional Network (YPN) is pleased to announce the 6th Annual 20 Under 40 Rising Stars in Real Estate Awards.    Twenty Long Island and Queens real estate professionals 40 years of age or younger will be chosen for their excellence in the areas of sales, leadership and community involvement and have demonstrated ingenuity, creativity, and leadership in their careers.   If this is you, (or a colleague of yours) please nominate yourself today!

YPN is an organization that helps young real estate professionals excel in their careers by giving them the tools and encouragement to become successful in their career.  Candidates for this award represent what the selection committee considers an overall well-rounded Realtor®.   Any Realtor® member of the Long Island Board of Realtors® who is 40 years old or younger on May 15, 2017 is eligible.  Several factors are considered when selecting finalists, business success being just one.  Community and professional leadership also are important factors.  The YPN selection committee wants to ensure they have a diverse group of finalists in terms of business niches, gender, ethnic background, and geographic location.  Finally, the committee will look for compelling stories – such as interesting business strategies or obstacles overcome.  Applications must be submitted by May 15, 2017.  Please note, past recipients are not eligible for this award.  Once an agent has been awarded with this honor, they are a lifetime inductee of the LIBOR YPN Top 20 Under 40.

Winners will be announced at the Top 20 Awards ceremony that will take place on June 28, 2017. All applicants will be notified prior to the event if they have been selected to be inducted into that Class of Top 20 under 40 winners.  Announcements will also appear on LIBOR’s website – and social media venues.  Any questions or comments please contact Kyle Kelly, LI YPN President, LI YPN President at  

For a full list of 20 Under 40 Award’s Frequently Asked Questions please visit YPN 20 Under 20 FAQ.