REALTOR® SAFETY ALERT: Beware of Suspicious Caller

by Christina DeFalco | Jan 16, 2020

LIBOR has received a report that could affect the safety of our members. 

If a caller raises your suspicions in any way, do not attend a listing presentation or show a house alone!

Use safety apps or safety solutions to let trusted contacts know where you are and how long you plan to be gone.  Have an emergency number, such as 9-1-1, on speed dial.

Follow your instincts if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in any situation.

LIBOR encourages all REALTORS® to verify information received from potential buyers or sellers, obtain proper identification, and follow your company’s protocol for REALTOR® safety.

Visit for comprehensive safety information and tips.

LIBOR is committed to the safety of its members and the community at large!

Have Something to Report?

Fill out our REALTOR® Safety Alert Submission Form HERE or report an incident by calling 631. 661.4800 and selecting Option 1 to be connected to our Customer Service Department; or email us at: